Wednesday, December 4, 2013

End of November book haul

(Belated, but whatever.)

So, I've decided to start doing "book haul" posts at the end of each month now, since I feel like they've reached "filler" status on my blog, and honestly it's a little shameful sometimes to keep posting pictures of new books. (Idk, is it...? Am I being crazy?) This is also my way of putting a spending freeze on myself; if I look at them all at once, then I can see how much money I'm spending, right? (....Right?)

Anyways, here's the lot, snagged from Goodwill. The children's books were $0.49 each, and the adult books were $0.99. Although it was under $6.00. (How could I resist??)

Two books, Timeline and Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code are ones that I've previously read; Timeline in eighth grade (for a class), and Artemis Fowl younger than that. A few years ago, I loaned all of my Artemis Fowl books to one of my friends and never got them back. (I think she might also have some of my comics... Grrrrr.) Since The Eternity Code is my favorite of the Artemis Fowl universe, I was really excited to find it and knew I had to have it.

I got Anne of Green Gables because I've never read it, and despite having a copy on my iPhone, I've never read it before. (It's a free iPhone copy - I don't really have the incentive to read it.) It was also kind of fun to see an "Apple Classics" book, since my elementary school had lots of those editions lying around, and seeing it made me feel cozy inside.

As for the other two, The Rape of Nanking and Thunderstruck, I got those at the behest of my friend, N. (It evens out - I made her get some Stephen King.) If I'm being honest, though, it didn't take much to win me over.

I'm entering finals season now, so I might not get to update this week's Midwest Monday until I'm out of it - but who knows. My procrastination abilities are legendary, and I do feel really bad about not having it up this week. (Oh, well - it gives me a reason to sit down and write and learn, and those are good things.)

Outside of books/reading/etc., I've been busy trying to get things going for me "in the real world" - that means working on papers and reading about politics and trying to make plans for this summer and actually making living plans for next semester and travel abroad plans. (When those are finalized, I'll post about them here. Until then, I don't wanna count my chickens before they hatch.)

Trying to keep my head above water, I'm trying to remind myself of the good things that I'm doing, and the ways that I'm being responsible and basically being a productive human being. No one is going to do these things for me; I have to hustle for what I want.

Keep safe and happy, guys!

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