Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December book haul!

GUYS. This was a BUSY month. By my estimates I got 12 new books, and that doesn't count the new books I purchased for next semester. Only two of these were gifts, however - the rest were all either "found" (read: stolen from my boyfriend's fraternity's attic) or bought by me.

The books above are the ones that I bought/was given this past month. Bite Me! and Why Nations Fail were my only Christmas books. Between Gears I swiped as a Black Friday/Cyber Monday deal, The Smartest Guys in the Room and The Stranger were picked up from the Chicago O'Hare airport, and North and South and The Murder of Roger Ackroyd were picked up while Christmas shopping. I'm pretty pleased with this group, to be honest.

THESE books I took from the attic of my boyfriend's fraternity. He asked me if I wanted to "go shopping" (of course I did), and lo! I found an ex-English major's stash (To the Lighthouse, The Sound and the Fury, and The Vintage Book), as well as the Class Matters books and Women Without Class. I'm interested in reading the class books, since it's a topic I've been more interested in learning about. Women Without Class especially, since in its introduction the author mentioned the book Reviving Ophelia (which I poached from my mom), and how issues of feminism, confidence, etc., were only examined in women of "higher class" (upper middle/upper class), and neglected to discuss the needs and issues of women in lower classes. 

I don't want to totally lose my marbles here, but look! I've wanted these two books for a while. I've been a fan of Bite Me! for years, and recently got into Between Gears earlier this semester. (And by "got into," I mean, "read about five to six times during the semester while I definitely should have been doing my homework.") I'm really excited to have them, and hope that by buying them I was able to support them a little bit!

So there it is! My last post of 2013. I've posted a bit today (slash, last night), but I'm trying to tie up some loose ends before the end of the year. Now, if I could be this careful in running my errands, cleaning my room.... Well, there's still time. :) Also, I'm super sorry for the shit quality of the photos - I can't seem to find my camera. :|

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