Friday, January 13, 2017

The Royal We, by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan

Genre: Fiction, Romance
Rating: ★★
Pages: 496
Published: 2016
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

When was the last time that you fell in love with a book? Like head-over-heels love. The kind of love where you know its faults but still think the sun shines from every page? The kind of love where you just. can't. get. enough. of it and want to spend every waking moment either reading and re-reading it or telling people about it? The kind of love I'm talking about is different from your regular "I-love-this-book-you-should-read-it." No, the kind of love I'm talking about is basically equal to puppy love. You are absolutely crazy about this book, and while no one can quite figure out why you feel so strongly for this book, your feelings for this book are just so pure and whatever, Mom, This Book and I are going to be together forever. 

It's been a while since I've fallen for a book (or at least documented it on here), but OMG. Let me spill my feelings to you lovely readers, Bridget Jones-style, about The Royal We.

The premise of The Royal We is basically Prince William and Kate Middleton fanfic (or RPF). Our heroine, Rebecca ("Bex") Porter is an American student who opts for a year abroad at Oxford in inject a little more adventure into her life. When she gets there, she finds herself living across the hall from Prince Nicolas Lyons, second in line to the British throne and a secret insomniac. Being an insomniac is not the only one of Nick's secrets, and as Bex is inducted into Nick's friend group and life at Oxford, she finds herself befriending and accidentally falling in love with the young prince.  

Which, hello, awesome! Except, as Bex is told, Nick "Will never. Marry. An American." Also, Nick has a lot of family baggage, is surrounded by the always-hysterical tabloids, and is terrified of Bex getting hurt by "the Company." Opening on the eve of their wedding (#nospoilers), Bex reflects on the state of her and Nick's relationship, as well as the sacrifices that she has had to make for true love and wonders if it will be enough. 

Now that that background is out of the way....

(I like this book so much I am using Supernatural GIFs. Whatever, don't judge me.)

GUYS. GUUUUUUUUYS. I LIKED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. I wanted to swALLOW IT WHOLE sometimes. I wanted to both adopt and be adopted by Nick and Bex. I wanted to hang out with them and their awesome friend group! Oh my god, y'all, I started and read this book in about two days because I just couldn't stop. If I had to pick a favorite character it would probably be Gaz (also tagged as: "always crying"), but I honestly also loved Nick and Bex.* This book had me cracking up all the damn time (I also shed some tears). And the fluff/romance between Nick and Bex?.....

Above: Actual footage of me reading this book.

.......Sickeningly sweet but also I was cheering for them the whole time.

So, yeah, y'all should totally read The Royal We. I know it's RPF, and I know that it's super fluffy (and is sometimes annoying in that Bex has all of these anecdotes about her relationship with Nick but we never see when these things could have happened or hear them mentioned again), but this book is — as the Internet Youths say — "A beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure." 

The Royal We is one of the books that picked me up during the post-Election slump, so I recommend it on the basis that it can be the little fluffy pick-me-up that you might need if you're having a hard time. 

The Royal We: Come for the RPF, linger for the romance, stay for the hilarious ensemble cast and the #feels. 


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