Friday, January 20, 2017

MWF Seeking BFF, by Rachel Bertsche

Genre: Memoir, Self-Help
Rating: ★★
Pages: 349
Published: 2011
Publisher: Ballantine Books

It's ten o'clock. Do you know where your best friend is? 

Rachel Bertsche is a young, newly-married woman who is new to Chicago. While she loves her work, her husband, her adopted city, and Entertainment Weekly, she finds that her life is missing something rather important: friends. It isn't that she's totally friendless — stories of past friendships quickly inform the reader that Bertsche left a fairly rich social life behind in New York — but she is doesn't have a BFF in her new city. You know, the kind of BFF who she can call last minute for a pedicure, to go out to brunch with, talk about reality TV get the picture. Deciding that she Can't Go On with the way things are, Bertsche decides to take matters into her own hands and issues herself a challenge: she will go on 52 new friend dates for the next year. Over the course of the year, she goes on blind dates, takes improv classes, and makes the rounds on the book club circuit. In doing so, Bertsche hopes that she will meet her next Best Friend Forever.  

I can't remember how MWF Seeking BFF crossed my path, but since moving to Virginia, I feel like I can definitely identify where Bertsche is coming from. Finally, following one lonely weekend, I felt vulnerable enough to click the "add to cart" button on Amazon and eagerly awaited for Bertsche's book to help me out of my slump.

While there were parts of MWF that I could have done without (talking about her honeymoon, interactions with strangers who she doesn't go on a friend date with, talking about how much she misses her father* — basically events that I didn't think had much to do with her challenge), I really liked the first third of the book, which is where Bertsche really delves into the psychology and sociology of friendship. One concept that I found especially interesting from her research is Dunbar's number, which (according to Wikipedia) is a "suggested cognitive limit to the number of people with whom one can maintain stable social relationships."**

Bertsche used the number to calculate where she stood friend-wise and found that she was short of the "stable" friendship types illustrated below. (She says that she was 20 people shy of hitting Dunbar's 150) While calculating the number of individuals I would include in my Dunbar's total seems to be a little tedious (and suspicious, I'll admit), I did find the concept that our brains can only handle so many certain kinds of relationship to be interesting. 

A visual representation of Dunbar's number. Dunbar calculated the human threshold of relationships to be 150. Via.

MWF is technically a self-help book (in that it's marketed as such), but I didn't think that it really compared to other self-help books I've encountered (namely: Jen Sincero's You Are a Badass and Marie Kondo's The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up). While MWF did chart the journey of one woman to improve her life, its tone was more aligned with a memoir-sociological-psychological hybrid. Bertsche wasn't telling me what to do so much as she was explaining the quest she went on to (and the various methods she used) find a new BFF.

I don't think that MWF is for everyone; while its core lesson is ~basically~ "you can never have too many friends," Bertsche is a pretty specific personality to get used to while writing, and I know that there were times I found her voice to be annoying and self-congratulatory. I also found myself slogging through the last third of the book due to what seemed like a lack of plot development. (I can only read about friendship membership services for so long.) And, hello, there is a ton of name-dropping in this book (At least 52 of them, in fact)! MWF is an easy read, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's consistently fun or light.

I think that MWF works as a good companion for anyone undertaking their own "friendship challenge," but it shouldn't necessarily be used as a bible or manual in the friend-making process. Important social lessons can be learned from Bertsche — follow up on emails, don't be upset if someone doesn't "click" with you right away, body language matters, etc. — but I would be skeptical of anyone following her plan to the letter. I think MWF will be useful to me as I work on expanding my social circle in the DMV, and it has encouraged me to consider the ways in which I reach out to people around me. However, I can't see myself ever re-reading this book or suggesting it to anyone unless they have a prior, specific interest either in it or in making new friends. 

* In regards to the dad feels, I've been there, done that, gotten the crappy T-Shirt. I feel for her. But I felt that her attempts to tie in her father's death to her friendship quest were pretty weak.
** Apparently Dunbar himself described it as "the number of people you would not feel embarrassed about joining uninvited for a drink if you happened to bump into them at a bar." (My man!)

Friday, January 13, 2017

The Royal We, by Heather Cocks & Jessica Morgan

Genre: Fiction, Romance
Rating: ★★
Pages: 496
Published: 2016
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing

When was the last time that you fell in love with a book? Like head-over-heels love. The kind of love where you know its faults but still think the sun shines from every page? The kind of love where you just. can't. get. enough. of it and want to spend every waking moment either reading and re-reading it or telling people about it? The kind of love I'm talking about is different from your regular "I-love-this-book-you-should-read-it." No, the kind of love I'm talking about is basically equal to puppy love. You are absolutely crazy about this book, and while no one can quite figure out why you feel so strongly for this book, your feelings for this book are just so pure and whatever, Mom, This Book and I are going to be together forever. 

It's been a while since I've fallen for a book (or at least documented it on here), but OMG. Let me spill my feelings to you lovely readers, Bridget Jones-style, about The Royal We.

The premise of The Royal We is basically Prince William and Kate Middleton fanfic (or RPF). Our heroine, Rebecca ("Bex") Porter is an American student who opts for a year abroad at Oxford in inject a little more adventure into her life. When she gets there, she finds herself living across the hall from Prince Nicolas Lyons, second in line to the British throne and a secret insomniac. Being an insomniac is not the only one of Nick's secrets, and as Bex is inducted into Nick's friend group and life at Oxford, she finds herself befriending and accidentally falling in love with the young prince.  

Which, hello, awesome! Except, as Bex is told, Nick "Will never. Marry. An American." Also, Nick has a lot of family baggage, is surrounded by the always-hysterical tabloids, and is terrified of Bex getting hurt by "the Company." Opening on the eve of their wedding (#nospoilers), Bex reflects on the state of her and Nick's relationship, as well as the sacrifices that she has had to make for true love and wonders if it will be enough. 

Now that that background is out of the way....

(I like this book so much I am using Supernatural GIFs. Whatever, don't judge me.)

GUYS. GUUUUUUUUYS. I LIKED THIS BOOK SO MUCH. I wanted to swALLOW IT WHOLE sometimes. I wanted to both adopt and be adopted by Nick and Bex. I wanted to hang out with them and their awesome friend group! Oh my god, y'all, I started and read this book in about two days because I just couldn't stop. If I had to pick a favorite character it would probably be Gaz (also tagged as: "always crying"), but I honestly also loved Nick and Bex.* This book had me cracking up all the damn time (I also shed some tears). And the fluff/romance between Nick and Bex?.....

Above: Actual footage of me reading this book.

.......Sickeningly sweet but also I was cheering for them the whole time.

So, yeah, y'all should totally read The Royal We. I know it's RPF, and I know that it's super fluffy (and is sometimes annoying in that Bex has all of these anecdotes about her relationship with Nick but we never see when these things could have happened or hear them mentioned again), but this book is — as the Internet Youths say — "A beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure." 

The Royal We is one of the books that picked me up during the post-Election slump, so I recommend it on the basis that it can be the little fluffy pick-me-up that you might need if you're having a hard time. 

The Royal We: Come for the RPF, linger for the romance, stay for the hilarious ensemble cast and the #feels. 


Tuesday, January 10, 2017

A (Belated) Look at 2016

I don't think that I'd be out of line for saying that 2016 was a pretty crazy year. A lot of weird/terrible  happened around the world (which I'm not going to even try to summarize), and a lot of strange/awesome/exhilarating things happened to me personally; I wrote my senior thesis, graduated from college, moved to a new city and state (and coast!), got a job, and experienced a slew of emotional highs and lows in between.

I didn't do a reading review of 2015 (whomp, whomp), but it's been strangely satisfying reading my post from 2014 and seeing how far I've come since then. Although my presence on here has been pretty restricted as of late (I didn't post from April 2015 to November 2016), it's still been nice to see where I've been and compare it to where I thought I was going at the time.

That said, this is """supposed""" to be a book blog, so let's swerve away from that emotional introspection and get down to the nitty gritty: what was my 2016 like in books?

Woof. Tiny bookcovers stolen from my Goodreads shelf.

2016 was my most productive year of reading yet! (Or at least, since I started tracking my reading through Goodreads.) I read a grand total of 33 books — including 15 audiobooks and three digital books — and I'd like to think that this was a pretty diverse year? Or at least, more diverse than usual. I read two sci-fi (I usually don't bother with that genre), one book of poetry (which I almost never read), a nonfiction book about dinosaurs, a travelogue, and a book written by a Korean author (a country I don't think I've ever read any fiction about).  

2016 was definitely the year of the audiobook for me. I joined Audible in January and got The Martian for the drive up to school. I didn't think I'd like the audiobook experience very much, so the game plan was to take advantage of the free trial that came with my Prime account and get rid of it soon after. SILLY ME. I finished The Martian before I even left for school and swiftly purchased Agatha Christie's The ABC Murders to tide me on the 8 hour drive. (Spoiler: it was the perfect length. 10/10 would recommend Agatha for long car rides around the Midwest.)

My favorite books of 2016 (in no particular order) were Peril at End House, The Secret Adversary, The Truth, Evil Under the Sun, Cards on the Table, The Underground Railroad, The Royal We, and Milk and Honey. (Sorry there aren't any reviews to link — for some reason I never write about my favorite books.) In any case, y'all should totally read these books. They kept my attention, had me reading through my lunch break, shocked and surprised me, made me laugh and cry, and left me wanting more. 

Now, on to 2017!
  1. I have a couple reading goals this year:
  2. To read 35 books by January 1, 2018;
  3. To SUCCESSFULLY read and discuss at least one book (bookclub style) with Kiernyn;
  4. To read at least five nonfiction books;
  5. To read more often on the train/bus; and
  6. To be better at writing blog posts/book reviews.

So, there are my 2017 reading "resolutions" / ~intentions~ . Do you have any goals for 2017? Did any book from 2016 stick out to you in particular? Are there any books you plan on reading in 2017 that reflect whatever personal philosophy you intend to follow? Let me know in the comments. And as always, I'm taking recommendations. 

Happy 2017, dudes. Two years ago I ended a similar post with a picture of David Bowie. Today, on the first anniversary of his death, I'd like to do the same thing.