Friday, May 2, 2014

brb drowning

Believe it or not, this is "clean."

Hey, peaches. Sorry for the total radio silence for the past months, but things on my end have been so busy it isn't even funny. I joined two new organizations on campus, and one of them requires me to not only be responsible for myself, but also other people (and writing. That too.). I've been reading a lot (not necessarily books, unfortunately), and I'm writing a ton (as is fitting for a liberal arts/humanities student). Because things are winding down, I'm having to look forward to studying abroad, what I'm going to do this summer, etc. I'm ready to be gone, but I have to put a little bit more time in first.

I haven't been treating myself very well, so that's one of my main priorities right now.

I hope you are staying safe and healthy and are loving whatever it is you're doing now. Hopefully I'll have some new reviews up soon(ish).

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